Metro Denver Homeless Initiative


By completing the form, you agree to the following, as detailed in the MDHI Governance Charter:

  1. Supporting the implementation of the CoC’s HMIS and maintaining (as applicable) an acceptable HMIS data quality rating (established by the HMIS Lead) for all relevant resources connected to the system.
  2. Supporting the CoC’s coordinated entry system (known as OneHome) and using OneHome (as applicable)
  3. Contributing staff capacity (as applicable) to planning and implementing the CoC’s annual Point-in-Time (PIT) counts.
  4. Adopting and implementing Housing First principles and evidence-based practices (as applicable).
  5. MDHI's Conflict of Interest Policy

CoC members represent a variety of groups, including groups that are not CoC-funded and/or do not provide direct services to persons experiencing homelessness. Participation in HMIS and OneHome are required of CoC-funded programs. For non-CoC funded members, the commitment is to collectively support these CoC efforts. Members must also:

  1. Attend semi-annual stakeholder meetings organized by MDHI.
  2. If an organization, assign one individual to serve as the primary liaison to the CoC, responsible for representing MDHI within their organization, ensuring that training and partnership meetings are attended, and informing the organization’s leadership of matters related to the CoC. Each such liaison must complete a conflict-of-interest disclosure statement.
  3. Support the efforts of individuals serving on CoC committees.
* indicates required
This is your organization's point of contact for membership
This is your organization's point of contact for membership
If Person with Lived Experience, write "Lived Experience"
If Person with Lived Experience, write "NA"